Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is bentonite?

Bentonite clay is capable of rising higher. Ash from volcanic origin. Ash species change through natural processes millions of years ago. Ben is a Master's Night. Academic side metallurgy Bentonite ore consists of Damon Knight O Mori million. And other elements mixed with approximately 10-20%, such as a reflector Spa Cal sized silica gypsum etc.
The physical structure of the mineral Damon Lynch Mo O Night Top T scales like a snowflake or a glass with a negative charge. The neutral substances by extraction with a positive charge. Which is balanced by the absorption of matter, namely the transformation of calcium Sodium or magnesium. Scale structure of the glass is changed in various ways. Depending on the origin of the minerals Mo Monte Rio Night.
Small, delicate structures that contain a positive charge. Substances are transformed. The bentonite. These materials have unique benefits differently For bentonite has the ability to assimilate And the utilization of various Technological advances of the research. Trial and manufacturing processes to help enhance the use of bentonite. 

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